Sunday, June 26, 2016

Week of 6/27 Meals & Exercise

Tomorrow starts a ten day break from sugar and a return to the way I was eating before Amelia's birthday and the giant package of crap from Mel.

Breakfasts this week: Eggs with avocado and/or olives, sweet potato or potato, and veggies or fruit. I'll make a crustless quiche, too

Snacks: Smoothies and probably nuts, fruit

Lunch: Full fat Fage with cocoa powder, topped with raspberries and almond butter; sweet potatoes with coconut butter, salad with veggies and/or beans or tahini, etc.

Dinners: Lentils cooked with onions and tomatoes, baked potatoes, salads, etc

-At least three walks 'round the lake
-At least two strength training/circuit training during lunch
-Additional ab and other exercises as I can fit them in
-One tabata round would be cool

Emotional eating goals:
-If it comes up, think about the reason behind the desire to eat and consult the list I made last time and try to avoid it. I don't think it will be an issue this week, since whenever I start a new plan I am pretty good about sticking to it.

-I wish to delve into things like wine, cheese, bread, and the like three times or less this week. That shall expand after this week. I am working a way of eating I can do FOR LIFE. I am not looking for deprivation, but I am looking to feel good.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

I'd Like to Stop Using Food to Deal

I have a long history of dieting. And then I had Binge Eating Disorder. I don't binge anymore, but I still use food often to deal with my emotions, and I also still want to lose weight, which is something I'd like to let go of.


  1. To accept my body as it is, each and every day
  2. To eat food that is delicious and enjoy it, but to generally eat only when hungry
  3. To soothe my emotions with something other than food 
  4. To build strength and change my body shape without obsessing or feeling bad or apologizing for it 

Well, why do I eat? 
  • Lonely
  • Bored
  • Anxious
  • To punish myself for not eating well
  • To pass the time/something to do
  • Habit, especially at night
  • I think it will make me feel better or happier 
  • Because Anthony is/I want to join in

What can I do about each of those? 
  • Lonely - text tabitha or Christy, call Christy or Anthony, email Annie, pet one of the cats, write here on the blog, drop Amelia off at my mom's, go visit my mom, go to the lake, give myself a hug
  • Bored - Let her watch TV while I create something, draw with Amelia, Do ten pushups and then some yoga moves, blog here, blog elsewhere, work on a book, write for Huffpo
  • Anxious - Yoga, talk to Anthony, blog here, write in a journal, Deep breaths, meditate, youtube meditation or chanting 
  • To punish myself for not eating well - Take a deep breath and stop slapping the baby, tell myself I'm good enough, ask for help, yoga, more deep breaths
  • To pass the time/something to do - see boredom
  • Habit, especially at night - Create new habits: chew gum, suck on a hard candy, drink mint tea, drink a sugar free cocoa drink, don't watch TV, 
  • I think it will make me feel better or happier - remind myself that food never makes me feel the way I think it will - give myself five minutes and ask myself again then 
  • Because Anthony is/I want to join in - this is tough. Once I get into a groove, though, I'm usually okay. 
Also, part of me doesn't want to stop. It's nice having something to turn to. I know that overall I'll be happier without it, though.